And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation. Hebrews 9:27-28 NKJV

At the end of our lives when all has been said and done, all songs sung, and all the books closed; the only things that will matter are:
- What we did with our lives
- What relationship we had with the One Who created us
- How we related with those around us
- How we’ve prepared for eternity and where we will spend it, whether heaven or hell!
Titles, whether big or small; accolades, trophies, financial and material wealth or lack thereof, societal positions and the like will no longer be of any value.
Rick Joyner reflecting on this once wrote in his book ‘The Final Quest‘ that:
‘God does have a different set of history books than those on the earth….. earthly histories will pass away… If you can rejoice in what heaven is recording about your life, you are blessed indeed…’
We cannot overemphasize that this present world is not our eternal home. This should cause each of us to reconsider living as though it were!
It is critical that we take to heart John Tillotson’s words below seriously and make the necessary adjustments:
“He who provides for this life, but takes no care for eternity, is wise for a moment, but a fool forever.”
Everyone of us without exception has an appointment with our Creator at the end of our lives whether we know it or not. It is a very important appointment because it’s outcome will usher us to where we will spend eternity. The determinant of whether the outcome of that appointment is positive or not, is the preparation we make now. Jesus Himself advised us to prepare for it wisely by choosing Him as Saviour and the only Way to God the Father.
Father, we pray that You would help us to prepare well now for our hereafter so that we may avoid eternal tragedies!